

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ, and welcome to St. Ann’s Parish! Our mission is to learn to live and to spread the Good News of salvation to all, as Catholic Christians faithful to the deposit of faith, entrusted by Christ to His Church. We invite you to learn about our faith community by browsing the items below, and look forward to welcoming you to St. Ann’s Parish. Wherever you are in your faith journey, you are welcome and wanted here.

Religious Education Registration

The church of St. Ann in Ridgecrest offers Religious Education from preschool through high school.  The focus is on continuous faith formation, which means children attend each year, not just for sacraments.  Please scan the QR code to register, or click this link: https://forms.gle/HgHMDMNMe7Werv7k7

La iglesia de St. Ann en Ridgecrest ofrece educación religiosa desde el preescolar hasta la escuela secundaria.   La atención se centra en la formación continua en la fe, lo que significa que los niños asisten cada año, no sólo para recibir los sacramentos.   Escanee el código QR para registrarse o haga clic en el enlace: https://forms.gle/Y5YpAyRF6VwNe95z9

QR Code for English registration

Código QR para Registro en Español

Synod Report (English and espanol)

Synod Report (Bilingual)

Saint Ann Outreach

Saint Ann Outreach is open and staffed Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00-11:00 AM. Dry goods and perishables are available for those in need.Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

  • Adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
    Monday 9:00 AM – Tuesday 7:00 PM
    Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • We are working on filling 24 hours for Tuesday evening through Wednesday morning. Please see the bulletin for the hours that need to be filled, and call Nancy Rossi at (760) 375-2232 to reserve an hour.
  • Adoration in the Church Sanctuary (All are welcome)
    5:00 – 6:00 PM in the Church (Thursday Mass follows)

The Church Office Hours – Tue-Thur 8:00-1:00pm; Fri 8:00-12:00Parish Registration RenewalWe are updating our parish records and request that all parish members and those seeking to become members complete our Parish Registration Renewal form. To complete the form, click the link and download to your computer. The form is fillable in any PDF reader/editor. After completing the form, save the file, and email the file to the Church Office, office@parishofsaintann.org. Thank you!