Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), Edge, and Lifeteen
Description: The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) is a religious education program for children in grades K through 5th). The Edge and Lifeteen programs similarly provide religious education for grades 6th through 8th (Edge) and teens in grades 9th through 12th (Lifeteen).
Current Need: Teachers or assistants are always needed in these programs.
Points of Contact:
Religious Education Coordinator: Jeannine McReynolds, 375-2110, Lilian Ramirez. 375-2110 X 313
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Rosa Martinez 375-2110
Confirmation Coordinators: Lilian Ramirez and Brad Kasberg 375-2110
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Description: RCIA is an adult religious education program for those are are exploring the Catholic faith and/or wish to become Catholic.
Current Need: Volunteers are needed to sponsor (mentor) Catechumens who do not already have a sponsor.