Weekend Masses are planned to reopen the weekend of June 13 and 14. To help us plan for safety, please let us know what your attendance patterns will be henceforth.
Do you plan to start attending Mass starting June 13 or 14? ¿Planea comenzar a asistir a misa 13 o 14 de junio? YesNo
If so, which Mass do you plan to attend? ¿A qué misa planea asistir? Saturday 5 PM EnglishSaturday 7 PM EspañolSunday 8 AM EnglishSunday 10 AM EnglishSunday 5 PM English
Do you plan to attend Mass as a single, a couple, or a family? ¿Usted planea asistir a la Misa como soltero, pareja o familia? SingleCoupleFamily
If attending as a family, how many will attend in your family? ¿Si asiste como familia, cuántos miembros de su familia asistirán? Choose number of Family Members345678910
Your Name / Nombre
Your Email / Correo electrónico